4 Tips To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

In today’s world, getting the right amount of sleep, not to mention good quality, can be very difficult. Below are some ideas on how to get the best sleep you can.

Avoid Food and Drinks That Keep You Awake

Coffee, pop, tea, and chocolate all have caffeine levels that can interfere with sleep. It is helpful to avoid these items a few hours prior to going to bed.

Promote a Sleeping Environment In Your Bedroom

A dark, cool room with temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees can help you fall asleep.

Blackout curtains help remove any light streaming in from windows.

White noise machines are useful if sleeping in total silence is difficult.

Use your bed for sleep only—this will help your body attribute the space to somewhere you go when it’s bedtime.
Establish a “Getting Ready for Bed” Routine

When you do the same low-strain activities right before bed, your body will start to recognize that these activities signal it’s almost time to go to sleep. Common calming activities include:

  • Brushing your teeth.
  • Taking a bath.
  • Practicing mindfulness and deep breathing exercises.
  • Reading a book.

Avoiding any activity that will power your brain up such as:

  • Talking about emotional issues.
  • Exercising.
  • Working.
  • Watch Screen Time Before Bed

It is helpful to be mindful of how much screen time you engage in two hours prior to going to sleep. The blue light that is found in phones, tablets, computers, and TVs can trick your body into thinking it’s daytime and can increase alertness in the body. This makes sleep more difficult or of less quality.


Yeager, A. (2017). Evening screen time can sabotage sleep.