4 Tips To Help Anxious Kids Relax At Home

In today’s modern world, many kids are stressed by different aspects of life. When kids are feeling overly anxious or worried, have them try these relaxation tips to help them calm down and stay present.

Four Square Breathing

Four-Square Breathing is fun for kids to learn, since it can be described just like the game. Kids will:

  • Breathe in for four seconds
  • Hold their breath for four seconds
  • Breathe out for four seconds
  • Do nothing for four seconds

This exercise can be repeated as many times as necessary to help children calm down.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In Progressive Muscle Relaxation, kids will tense up various muscles in their body and then release them, helping their body and mind calm down. Examples include:

  • Tensing their fists and releasing them.
  • Shrugging their shoulders up to their ears and dropping them.
  • Each pose can be held for a few seconds and then let go.


Anxious kids tend to worry about things that have happened or what is to come. In moments like these, ask kids to take a minute to be present. They can do this by looking for a certain color and number of items in the room, such as:

  • Five blue things
  • Four green items
  • This can orient kids to their surroundings. Mindfulness also helps children take a break from thinking of the stressor.


When stressed, kids may wish they could go somewhere more pleasant. In these moments, it can be helpful for them to think of their favorite place in the world. Kids can close their eyes and imagine they are there. Adults can ask:

  • What does it feel like to sit in that place?
  • What does it smell like?
  • What are the surroundings?
  • Can you draw a picture of your favorite place so you can remember it when you feel stressed in the future?
  • Imagery helps get kids’ minds off their stressful thoughts and can remind them of places and times that are more pleasant.

For more information about anxiety with kids and how Kalamazoo Child and Family Counseling can help, check out our page on anxiety.