5 Ways to Communicate With Kids Effectively

Sometimes, it can be difficult to talk to kids in effective ways that promote growth and understanding. Below are five tips to help you communicate more successfully with children.

Understand when to connect and disconnect

Every person needs time to be with others and to be alone. It is helpful to communicate with kids when adults need time to themselves. This way, adults set boundaries and kids can learn to as well through the adults’ examples.

Take ownership for your part

When repairs need to be made in a relationship, it is important for adults to be the ones to make amends. The adult can start by taking responsibility for their part of the issue. This teaches kids to take ownership for their actions or words as they see the adult doing this again and again.

Ask clarifying questions

If things are difficult to understand as the adult, ask the child questions to be able to really comprehend where they are coming from. This can be done by reflecting what they said or by summarizing what they communicated to determine if the adult understood it correctly.

Collaborate with kids

When discussing ways for kids to do better next time, include them in the dialogue. The adult can ask the child if they have any ideas on how the situation could be improved for the future. Including children in the decision making will help them be more invested in the result.

Set emotional boundaries

When talking to kids, it is important to be neutral and connected instead of overly emotional or anxious. By staying neutral, adults give kids a calming presence to help ground them. This also helps communication start off on an effective note.

Do you need help communicating better with your kids? Check out our page on challenging children.